Monday, January 11, 2010

Q&A: The Superions

The Superions,
as our podcast listeners will know, are music programmer Dan Marshall, keyboardist Noah Brodie and singer/lyricist and B-52's legend Fred Schneider.

Their unique mix of disco beats and zany subject matter have so far yielded the once heard never forgotten 'Totally Nude Island', and it's followup 'Who Threw That Ham At Me' and their first EP will shortly be available in a variety of formats.

The group were kind enough to answer these questions via e-mail recently.

Who are the Superions, and how did you guys get together?

On planet Superion, Noah, Dan & Fred decided to create a new kind of music. They asked us to leave and somehow we landed on Earth.

You've released three singles; 2 versions of 'Totally Nude Island' and 'Who Threw That Ham At Me'. How has the reaction been so far?

This is our first endeavor and we're building on different ideas that we've had and luckily also working with great remixers who each have a different take on what we do. Our first EP with prove it.

The first couple of songs feature a unique narrative/disco style that's pretty hard to describe. What are your influences?

We're influenced by life in general and any crazy idea that comes into our minds.

Listening to 'Totally Nude Island' puts me in mind of some sort of twisted sexy island adventure movie. B-Movie imagery seems to play a part in a lot of your work. What is it about those kind of flicks that strikes a chord with you?

Hey, we want to go to Totally Nude Island too.

Dare I ask if personal experience played a part lyrically in either of those songs?

We cast aside our clothes whenever possible, especially in crowded places.

Your EP is out this month and includes the exclusive song 'Those Sexy Saucer Gals'. What can we expect?

A sex-sational time!

I understand you guys are recording at the moment. What should we listen out for from these sessions? Are these going towards a full length Superions album?

Yes a full-length Superions extravaganza, expect songs that have never been done before and you'll ask yourself, "What on Earth was that?!"

Will the Superions be going out on the road?

We are talking about that right now.

Fred, your own eclectic musical taste became well known through your XM show, 'Party Out Of Bounds'. What are you currently listening to, and do you have anything to recommend to our readers?

The Lolligags, Cars Can Be Blue and get a record player and just buy any album that looks like it has a nutty cover at the thrift store.

Speaking of 'Party Out Of Bounds', a lot of fans seem to miss the show since it went off the air in 2008. Do you think radio DJ-ing is something you'll return to?

Maybe eventually, but right now I am totally into my work with the B's and what I'm doing with The Superions.

I had the pleasure of seeing you with the B-52's in Amsterdam last year, and it was one of the warmest receptions I've ever seen. What's the secret to staying in people's affections for over 30 years?

Be different, be good to your fans, and give the love back that the fans give to you.

I've heard you're something of a vinyl junkie, and The Superions material is to be released on vinyl alongside CDs and digital downloads. Where do you stand on the whole physical media versus digital debate?

Well one reason lots of bands stop doing music is because you can't afford to put out new material if everyone downloads for free. I know several bands that aren't putting out records or touring because of this, and may never again.

The question on everyone's lips: are the rumors true? Is Fred Schneider entering the dog treat market?

Yes, go to and the Georgia Music Hall of Fame

Any other upcoming plans you'd like to share?

Our new release dates for The Superions EP are January 19, 2010 on iTunes and February 16, 2010 on CD and 12"

And finally, though it pains me to reveal myself as such a square - how exactly does one 'do the disco garbage can'?

You'll see when the video comes out...

To pre-order The Superions EP, visit

For more info on the group, and to listen for yourself, head to:

For our archived review of The B-52's at Amsterdam's Paradiso, click here.

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